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Natalie Scherlong

Bi-Weekly Recap: December 17, 2019

By Board of Trustees Bi-Weekly Recap
Hello again WESTAF Trustees: Welcome back to the Bi-Weekly recap. We skipped an edition for the Thanksgiving holiday, but regular broadcasting has been resumed! I hope everyone is navigating with grace the additional joys and obligations that come with the holiday season. Speaking of the holidays... WESTAF HOLIDAY PARTY This past Friday the 13th, I had a fun time hosting the WESTAF Holiday Party at my modest apartment in Denver's Cap Hill neighborhood. We had a strong turnout of WESTAF team members and their significant others for an afternoon/early evening of holiday cheer. A good time was had by all...
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Bi-Weekly Recap: November 15, 2019

By Board of Trustees Bi-Weekly Recap
Dear Trustees: It’s that time again! First off, so pleased to announce the arrival of Ryder into the WESTAF family! More details below in the Technology & Innovation section. And, I returned safely from an unbelievable trip to Bhutan. Truly a place unlike any other. If you want to see some photos let me know! Speaking of photos, here are some good ones from our October meeting in Denver, including the trustees meeting, the gallery session and our time with the MAC.  Here are some updates from the last two weeks largely provided by the excellent Leadership Resource Team (thanks,...
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Bi-Weekly Recap: November 1, 2019

By Board of Trustees Bi-Weekly Recap
Hello again, WESTAF Trustees: This will be a relatively brief bi-weekly, as I am writing to you from Hong Kong a little bleary after nearly 17 hours in the air, en route to Bangkok and then Bhutan. Mostly though, I wanted to... WELCOME NEW BOARD MEMBERS! A warm welcome to Amber-Dawn Bear Robe, Lisa Becker and Paul Nguyen. We are so very excited to welcome you onto the WESTAF board of trustees! Thank you so much for agreeing to serve on this very special board with some other very remarkable people. If you’d like to learn a little more about...
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Bi-Weekly Recap: October 21, 2019

By Board of Trustees Bi-Weekly Recap
Hello WESTAF trustees! We are beyond excited to welcome you to Denver this week! We have a fun, productive and informative agenda planned, and the WESTAF staff is excited to spend some time with you! Please read on, because while we’ll be together soon, there’s still lots of important information to share that may or may not make it onto the agenda at the board meeting: BOARD MEETING IN DENVER ON 10/23 AND 10/24 This past Thursday, you received the agenda and board book. Here’s a web version of the board book as well, in addition to the .pdf you each received....
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Bi-Weekly Recap: October 7, 2019

By Board of Trustees Bi-Weekly Recap
Hello WESTAF trustees: This biweekly recap covers the clicking over to a new fiscal year, and I'm happy to report that there were no “Y2K” glitches and we’re still going strong and doing the good work! Here’s a quick summary of what went on these past few weeks: ALASKA David Holland and I facilitated a two-day executive session in Anchorage with ASCA trustees and board members representing AACF to determine immediate next steps following the last-minute restoration of funding for the agency in the Capital budget. Also present was Kelly Barsdate, NASAA’s Chief Program and Planning Officer who served as...
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